Sunday, July 7, 2013

Finding a Focus

I have finally decided what the focus of this 'Cathy the Writer' blog will be. It's such a crazy journey - two careers that are fulfilling and full time+++. I believe that it's worth exploring and sharing.

It's summer now and I feel so much pressure. My only time to create new stories. My only time to submit. My only time to pursue my dream. My only...

I put so much pressure on myself. I have new curriculum to write. Old curriculum to rewrite so that Common Core is addressed. Curriculum for all subject areas put into the school calendar. Tubs to sort through in the basement. So much...

And instead, I play Mahjong and Solitaire. And read voraciously. YA and Middle Grade books of course. And I am writing. But I panic when I look at the calendar and the clock. And I resent time and the job that supports my writing habit.


  1. Try to enjoy the summer. At least you don't have to go to work. Summer's just starting so it's good to take some time to do what you want before you tackle the school work.

    1. Thanks Natalie. I always have so much to do for school, and I know I should be starting it right away - work before play. But I guess I need to allow myself that down time.
