So, I don't know which novel to work on in my McDaniel class. I've been working on "The Summer of Nancy Kate" for the last 6 months. Normally, summer is my time for working on new stories. Can't do that this summer.
I thought about working on "Blanket of Snow" for my class. That way I could research "Color of Death" and work on it when the class is done. Since they both are set in the same place, I could kill two birds with one stone.
Still, there's "Harry Back" which is so close to being 'submittable' and "Summer of Nancy Kate" which I should probably just keep plugging away on...
I had hoped that writing this blog would help clear things up. But I'm afraid I'm still confused...
Feel free to add any insight you might have!
So, "Blanket of Snow" and "Color of Death" are new?